엘머 베른스타인 (Elmer Bernstein) : 수상 정보
아카데미 영화제
후보: 14 / 수상: 1

아카데미 수상
1968 Best Music, Original Music Score
모던 밀리 (Thoroughly Modern Millie)

아카데미 후보
2003 Best Music, Original Score
파 프롬 헤븐 (Far from Heaven)
1994 Best Music, Original Score
순수의 시대 (The Age of Innocence)
1984 Best Music, Original Song Score and Its Adaptation or Best Adaptation Score
대역전 (Trading Places)
1975 Best Music, Original Song
황금 (Gold)
1970 Best Music, Original Song
진정한 용기 (True Grit)
1967 Best Music, Original Music Score
하와이 (Hawaii)
1967 Best Music, Original Song
하와이 (Hawaii)
1967 Best Music, Scoring of Music, Adaptation or Treatment
돌아온 황야의 7인 (Return of the Magnificent Seven)
1963 Best Music, Score - Substantially Original
앵무새 죽이기 (To Kill a Mockingbird)
1963 Best Music, Original Song
야생에서의 걸음 (Walk on the Wild Side)
1962 Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture
여름과 담배 (Summer and Smoke)
1961 Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture
황야의 7인 (The Magnificent Seven)
1956 Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture
황금팔을 가진 사나이 (The Man with the Golden Arm)