폴 마줄스키 (Paul Mazursky) : 수상 정보
아카데미 영화제
후보: 5 / 수상: 0

아카데미 후보
1990 Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium
적, 그리고 사랑이야기 (Enemies: A Love Story)
1979 Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
독신녀 에리카 (An Unmarried Woman)
1979 Best Picture
독신녀 에리카 (An Unmarried Woman)
1975 Best Writing, Original Screenplay
해리와 톤토 (Harry and Tonto)
1970 Best Writing, Story and Screenplay Based on Material Not Previously Published or Produced
파트너 체인지 (Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice)