월터 H. 타일러 (Walter H. Tyler) : 수상 정보
아카데미 영화제
후보: 10 / 수상: 1

아카데미 수상
1951 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
삼손과 데릴라 (Samson and Delilah)

아카데미 후보
1975 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
세계 최고의 섬 (The Island at the Top of the World)
1962 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
여름과 담배 (Summer and Smoke)
1961 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
작은 행성 방문 (Visit to a Small Planet)
1960 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
커리어 (Career)
1957 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
십계 (The Ten Commandments)
1955 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
사브리나 (Sabrina)
1954 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
로마의 휴일 (Roman Holiday)
1947 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
키티 (Kitty)
1947 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
키티 (Kitty)