라이오넬 뉴먼 (Lionel Newman) : 수상 정보
아카데미 영화제
후보: 10 / 수상: 0

아카데미 후보
1968 Best Music, Scoring of Music, Adaptation or Treatment
닥터 두리틀 (Doctor Dolittle)
1966 Best Music, Scoring of Music, Adaptation or Treatment
플레져 시커스 (The Pleasure Seekers)
1961 Best Music, Scoring of a Musical Picture
마릴린 먼로의 사랑합시다 (Let‘s Make Love)
1960 Best Music, Scoring of a Musical Picture
하나만 말해줘 (Say One for Me)
1959 Best Music, Scoring of a Musical Picture
마르디 그라 (Mardi Gras)
1957 Best Music, Scoring of a Musical Picture
인생에서 최고는 공짜 (The Best Things in Life Are Free)
1955 Best Music, Scoring of a Musical Picture
쇼처럼 즐거운 인생은 없다 (There‘s No Business Like Show Business)
1952 Best Music, Original Song
골든 걸 (Golden Girl)
1951 Best Music, Scoring of a Musical Picture
내가 갈께 (I‘ll Get By)
1939 Best Music, Original Song
카우보이와 숙녀 (The Cowboy and the Lady)