A. 아놀드 길레스피 (A. Arnold Gillespie) : 수상 정보
아카데미 영화제
후보: 11 / 수상: 3

아카데미 수상
1960 Best Effects, Special Effects
벤허 (Ben-Hur)
1948 Best Effects, Special Effects
파도 (Green Dolphin Street)
1945 Best Effects, Special Effects
도쿄에서 30초 (Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo)

아카데미 후보
1963 Best Effects, Special Effects
바운티 호의 반란 (Mutiny on the Bounty)
1959 Best Effects, Special Effects
톨피도 런 (Torpedo Run)
1957 Best Effects, Special Effects
금지된 행성 (Forbidden Planet)
1946 Best Effects, Special Effects
그들은 소모품이었다 (They Were Expendable)
1944 Best Effects, Special Effects
행동할 준비 (Stand by for Action)
1942 Best Effects, Special Effects
비행 명령 (Flight Command)
1941 Best Effects, Special Effects
붐 타운 (Boom Town)
1940 Best Effects, Special Effects
오즈의 마법사 (The Wizard of Oz)