한스 드레이어 (Hans Dreier) : 수상 정보
아카데미 영화제
후보: 23 / 수상: 3

아카데미 수상
1951 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
선셋 대로 (Sunset Blvd.)
1951 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
삼손과 데릴라 (Samson and Delilah)
1946 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Color
프랑스인의 곤란 (Frenchman‘s Creek)

아카데미 후보
1947 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
키티 (Kitty)
1946 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
러브 레터 (Love Letters)
1945 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
사랑할 시간이 없어 (No Time for Love)
1945 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Color
어둠속의 숙녀 (Lady in the Dark)
1944 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Color
누구를 위하여 종은 울리나 (For Whom the Bell Tolls)
1944 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
다섯 개의 무덤 (Five Graves to Cairo)
1943 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Color
거친 바람을 거두고 (Reap the Wild Wind)
1943 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
편지를 받아, 달링 (Take a Letter, Darling)
1942 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
새벽을 잡아라 (Hold Back the Dawn)
1941 Best Art Direction, Black-and-White
내 사랑 아리즈 (Arise, My Love)
1941 Best Art Direction, Color
북서 기마 순찰대 (North West Mounted Police)
1940 Best Art Direction
보 게스티 (Beau Geste)
1939 Best Art Direction
내가 왕이었다면 (If I Were King)
1938 Best Art Direction
바다의 영혼 (Souls at Sea)
1936 Best Art Direction
벵골 창기병의 생애 (The Lives of a Bengal Lancer)
1934 Best Art Direction
무기여 잘있거라 (A Farewell to Arms)
1931 Best Art Direction
모로코 (Morocco)
1930 Best Art Direction
러브 퍼레이드 (The Love Parade)
1930 Best Art Direction
방랑자의 왕 (The Vagabond King)
1929 Best Art Direction
애국자 (The Patriot)