불임의 뻐꾸기
The Sterile Cuckoo (1969)
드라마, 코미디, 로맨스
  1시간 47분     10/22/1969 개봉 
Two students from neighboring colleges in upstate New York are swept up in a tragic romantic interlude calling for a maturity of vision beyond their experience of capabilities. Pookie Adams - a kooky, lonely misfit with no family and no place to go, insists on calling all those who won‘t participate...
앨런 J. 파큘라 (Alan J. Pakula)
아카데미 영화제
후보 2 / 수상 0
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라이자 미넬리 (Liza Minnelli) - 푸키 아담스
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미국 흥행 $13,982,357

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