흰 양복의 사나이
The Man in the White Suit (1951)
드라마, 코미디, 공상과학
  1시간 25분     12/29/1951 개봉 
An altruistic chemist invents a fabric which resists wear and stain as a boon to humanity, but big business and labor realize it must be suppressed for economic reasons.
알렉산더 맥켄드릭 (Alexander Mackendrick)
아카데미 영화제
후보 1 / 수상 0
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로저 맥도갤 (Roger MacDougall)
존 다이튼 (John Dighton)
알렉산더 맥켄드릭 (Alexander Mackendrick)
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Box Office
미국 흥행 $8,718
세계 흥행 $8,718

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