Traffic (2000)
  18세   드라마, 스릴러, 범죄
  2시간 27분     3/10/2001 개봉 
A conservative judge is appointed by the President to spearhead America‘s escalating war against drugs, only to discover that his teenage daughter is a crack addict. Two DEA agents protect an informant. A jailed drug baron‘s wife attempts to carry on the family business.
스티븐 소더버그 (Steven Soderbergh)
아카데미 영화제
후보 5 / 수상 4
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사이몬 무어 (Simon Moore)
스티븐 개건 (Stephen Gaghan)
베네치오 델 토로 (Benicio Del Toro) - 자비에 로드리게즈
마이클 더글라스 (Michael Douglas) - 로버트 웨이크필드
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Box Office
제작비 $48,000,000
미국 흥행 $124,115,725
세계 흥행 $207,515,725

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