게일리, 게일리 : 전체 출연/제작진
Gaily, Gaily (1969)

To escape sinful impulses, Ben Harvey, a callow youth, leaves his small town for Chicago in 1910. A pickpocket promptly relieves him of his money, and he nearly starves before Queen Lil takes him under her wing, gives him a room in her high-class bordello, and gets him a job at a newspaper. He‘s so sweet and dumb, he thinks Lil‘s is a boarding house. He‘s soon caught up in an electoral struggle between a secretly corrupt reformer and an openly corrupt councilman. Can Ben expose corruption or will he be caught up in allure of power? An alcoholic investigative reporter and the bordello‘s ingenue try to help him grow up.

노만 주이슨 (Norman Jewison)


조지 케네디 (George Kennedy) - 액셀 P. 요한슨
마곳 키더 (Margot Kidder) - 아델린

조지 B. 챈 (George B. Chan) - Art Director

레이 아가얀 (Ray Aghayan) - Costume Designer

프로덕션 디자인
로버트 F. 보일 (Robert F. Boyle) - Production Designer

세트 데코레이션
에드워드 G. 보일 (Edward G. Boyle) - Set Decorator
칼 비디스콤베 (Carl Biddiscombe) - Set Decorator

로버트 마틴 (Robert Martin) - Sound Department
클렘 포트만 (Clem Portman) - Sound Department