캉캉 : 전체 출연/제작진
Can-Can (1960)

Montmartre, 1896: the Can-Can, the dance in which the women lift their skirts, is forbidden. Nevertheless Simone has it performed every day in her nightclub. Her employees use their female charms to let the representatives of law enforcement look the other way - and even attend the shows. Then the young ambitious judge Philippe Forrestier decides to bring this to an end. Will Simone manage to twist him round her little finger, too? Her boyfriend Francois certainly doesn‘t like to watch her trying.

월터 랭 (Walter Lang)



음악 (작곡)
넬슨 니들 (Nelson Riddle) - Composer

아이린 샤라프 (Irene Sharaff) - Costume Designer