뉴욕 홀리데이 : 전체 출연/제작진
Knickerbocker Holiday (1944)

It‘s 1650 in New Amsterdam, and Brom Broeck, a young outspoken newspaper publisher is arrested for printing advanced opinions on the undemocratic rule of Govenor "Peg-Leg" Stuyvesant. While Brom is in prison, old "Peg-Leg" goes on the make for Brom‘s sweetheart. But, when "Peg-Leg" is forced to release Brom... Watch-out!

해리 조 브라운 (Harry Joe Brown)



음악 (작곡)
베르너 R. 헤이만 (Werner R. Heymann) - Composer

음악 부서
커트 웰 (Kurt Weill) - Music Department