알리바이 : 전체 출연/제작진
Alibi (1929)

Chick Williams, a prohibition gangster, rejoins his mob soon after being released from prison. When a policeman is murdered during a robbery, he falls under suspicion. The gangster took Joan, a policeman‘s daughter, to the theater, sneaked out during the intermission to commit the crime, then used her to support his alibi. The detective squad employs its most sophisticated and barbaric techniques, including planting an undercover agent in the gang, to bring him to justice.

로날드 웨스트 (Roland West)

로날드 웨스트 (Roland West)
C. 가드너 설리반 (C. Gardner Sullivan)

체스터 모리스 (Chester Morris) - 칙 윌리암스
해리 스텁스 (Harry Stubbs) - 벅 바크만
매 부쉬 (Mae Busch) - 데이지 토마스
이르마 해리슨 (Irma Harrison) - 투츠
레지스 투미 (Regis Toomey) - 대니 맥건

윌리엄 카메론 멘지스 (William Cameron Menzies) - Art Director