이노센테 : 전체 출연/제작진
Inocente (2012)

A personal and vibrant coming of age story about a young artist‘s determination never to surrender to the bleakness of her surroundings. At 15, Inocente refuses to let her dream of becoming an artist be caged by being an undocumented immigrant forced to live homeless for the last nine years. Color is her personal revolution and its sweep on her canvases creates a world that looks nothing like her own dark past. ‘Inocente‘ is both a timeless story about the transformative power of art and a timely snapshot of the new face of homelessness in America: children. The challenges are staggering, but the hope in her story proves that the hand she has been dealt does not define her, her dreams do.

션 파인 (Sean Fine)
안드레아 닉스 (Andrea Nix)



션 파인 (Sean Fine) - Cinematographer

안드레아 닉스 (Andrea Nix) - Producer
션 파인 (Sean Fine) - Producer