장국영 (張國榮 ( Leslie Cheung))
Leslie Cheung was the youngest of 10 children. His father was tailor to the late William Holden. Leslie‘s parents divorced when he was young, and he claims this is one reason for his disinterest in marriage. Following graduation from secondary school, he studied at Leeds University in Great Britain....
출생 9/12/1956 홍콩
사망 4/1/2003 홍콩, 중국

동사서독 리덕스 (東邪西毒 (Ashes of Time Redux)), 1994 - 구양봉
동성서취 (東性西就 (The Eagle Shooting Heroes)), 1993 - 황약사
패왕별희 (Farewell My Concubine), 1993 - 두지
영웅본색 2 (英雄本色 II (A Better Tomorrow II)), 1987 - 송자걸
천녀유혼 (`人+靑`女幽魂 (A Chinese Ghost Story)), 1987 - 영채신
영웅본색 (英雄本色 (A Better Tomorrow)), 1986 - 송자걸