존 본 조비 (Jon Bon Jovi)
배우, 사운드트랙
Jon Bon Jovi, was born John Francis Bongiovi, Jr. On March 2, 1962, in Perth Amboy, New Jersey to parents John Francis Bongiovi, Sr. and Carol Sharkey. Family: Jon‘s mother, Carol Sharkey, was a former model and one of the first Playboy Bunnies. She met Bon Jovi‘s father after she enlisted in the Un...
본명 John Francis Bongiovi Jr.
출생 3/2/1962 퍼스앰보이, 뉴저지, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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U-571 (U-571), 2000 - 피트 에머트 중위

영 건 2 (Young Guns II), 1990