야신 베이 (Yasiin Bey)
Regarded as one of hip-hop‘s most introspective and insightful artists, Mos Def has shaped a career that transcends music genres and artistic medium. Taking a cue from the Afrocentric stylings of the Native Tongues crew, which included De La Soul, Jungle Brothers, A Tribe Called Quest and Andres Tit...
본명 Dante Terrell Smith
출생 11/11/1973 브룩클린, 뉴욕, 미국

비긴 어게인 (Begin Again), 2013 - 사울
비카인드 리와인드 (Be Kind Rewind), 2008 - 마이크
이탈리안 잡 (The Italian Job), 2003 - 왼쪽 귀
몬스터 볼 (Monster‘s Ball), 2001 - 라이러스 쿠퍼