피터 뮬란 (Peter Mullan)
He was interested in directing films at the age of 19 and he made several shorts. As he wasn‘t admitted to the National Film School, he decided to dedicate himself to acting, and made his debut in the theatre in 1988 before moving to cinema and television. Fame came with the parts he played in such ...
출생 11/2/1959 피터헤드, 스코틀랜드, 영국

키퍼스 (The Vanishing), 2018 - 토마스
워 호스 (War Horse), 2011 - 테드 나라코트
해리 포터와 죽음의 성물 1 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1), 2010 - 죽음을 먹는자 악슬리