마빈 햄리스치 (Marvin Hamlisch)
작곡, 사운드트랙
Musical talent ran in Marvin Hamlisch‘s family - his father was an accordionist, and at seven Hamlisch was the youngest student ever accepted by Manhattan‘s Julliard School of Music. Hamlich furthered his education by taking night classes at Queens College and working during the day as a rehearsal p...
본명 Marvin Frederick Hamlisch
출생 6/2/1944 뉴욕, 미국
사망 8/6/2012 웨스트우드, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국
아카데미 영화제
수상: 3 / 후보: 10
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음악 (작곡)
인포먼트 (The Informant!), 2009
코러스 라인 (A Chorus Line), 1985
소피의 선택 (Sophie‘s Choice), 1982
사랑의 새출발 (Starting Over), 1979
사랑이 머무는 곳에 (Ice Castles), 1978
다음 해, 같은 시간 (Same Time, Next Year), 1978
007 나를 사랑한 스파이 (The Spy Who Loved Me), 1977
스팅 (The Sting), 1973
추억 (The Way We Were), 1973

로즈 앤 그레고리 (The Mirror Has Two Faces), 1996
셜리 발렌타인 (Shirley Valentine), 1989
추억 (The Way We Were), 1973
구토 (Kotch), 1971