울루 드로스바드 (Ulu Grosbard)
A former diamond cutter in his native Belgium, Ulu Grosbard was educated at the University of Chicago, then attended the Yale Drama School. Becoming a stage director in 1957, Grosbard directed many successful Broadway shows. In the early ‘60s Grosbard journeyed to Hollywood, where he was hired as an...
출생 1/9/1929 안트베르펜, 안트베르펜, 벨기에
사망 9/19/2013 맨하탄, 뉴욕, 미국

조지아 (Georgia), 1995
해리 켈러한은 누구이며 왜 내 험담을 했을까? (Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me?), 1971
목표는 장미였다 (The Subject Was Roses), 1968