마틴 랜도 (Martin Landau)
Oscar-winning character actor Martin Landau was born on June 20, 1928 in Brooklyn, New York. At age 17, he was hired by the New York Daily News as a staff cartoonist and illustrator. In his five years on the paper, he served as the illustrator for Billy Rose‘s "Pitching Horseshoes" column. He also w...
출생 6/20/1928 브룩클린, 뉴욕, 미국
사망 7/15/2017 로스엔젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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프랑켄위니 (Frankenweenie), 2012 - 라즈크루스키
마제스틱 (The Majestic), 2001 - 해리 트림블
라운더스 (Rounders), 1998 - 아브 페트로브스키
에드 우드 (Ed Wood), 1994 - 벨라 루고시
범죄와 비행 (Crimes and Misdemeanors), 1989 - 주다 로젠탈
터커 (Tucker: The Man and His Dream), 1988 - 아베
지구의 대참사 (Meteor), 1979 - 알돈 장군
위대한 생애 (The Greatest Story Ever Told), 1965 - 가야바