아놀드 코펠슨 (Arnold Kopelson)
Arnold Kopelson has produced 29 motion pictures. He has been honored with a Best Picture Academy Award, a Golden Globe, and an Independent Spirit Award, all for his production of Platoon (1986). He received a Best Picture Academy Award nomination for his production of The Fugitive (2000). Kopelson‘s...
출생 2/14/1935 뉴욕, 미국
사망 10/8/2018 비벌리힐즈, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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데블스 에드버킷 (The Devil‘s Advocate), 1997
아웃브레이크 (Outbreak), 1995
세븐 (Se7en), 1995
도망자 (The Fugitive), 1993
플래툰 (Platoon), 1986