프레드 와드 (Fred Ward)
A marvelous character actor with intense eyes, a sly grin and somewhat grizzled appearance, Golden Globe-winner Fred Ward has nearly 90 appearances under his belt in many tremendous films. He first became interested in acting after serving three years in the US Air Force and studied at New York‘s He...
본명 Freddie Joe Ward
출생 12/30/1942 샌디에이고, 캘리포니아, 미국

헨리 밀러의 북회귀선 (Henry & June), 1990 - 헨리 밀러
레모 (Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins), 1985 - 리모 윌리암스
위험한 유혹 (Swing Shift), 1984 - 비스키츠 투헤이
필사의 도전 (The Right Stuff), 1983 - 거스 그리섬
실크우드 (Silkwood), 1983 - 모건