토마스 아레나 (Tomas Arana)
Tomas Arana was born in Auburn, California. He grew up in San Francisco and studied classical theatre at its prestigious American Conservatory Theatre, afterwards relocating to New York and acting in off-Broadway productions. He then hitchhiked throughout Europe and ended up living in Naples, Italy,...
본명 Thomas Clifford Arana
출생 4/3/1955 오번, 캘리포니아, 미국

가디언즈 오브 갤럭시 (Guardians of the Galaxy), 2014 - 크리 대사
글래디에이터 (Gladiator), 2000 - 퀸투스
붉은 10월 (The Hunt for Red October), 1990 - 로기노프 (요리사)