에드워드 제임스 올모스 (Edward James Olmos)
Edward James Olmos was born in Los Angeles, California, to Eleanor (Huizar) and Pedro Olmos, who was a mail carrier and welder. His family was of Mexican descent. If Olmos had followed the first love of his life, he would have been a professional baseball player. But by age 13, another love entered ...
출생 2/24/1947 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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코코 (Coco), 2017 - 치차론 (목소리)
블레이드 러너 2049 (Blade Runner 2049), 2017 - 에두아르도 개프
스탠드 업 (Stand and Deliver), 1988 - 제이미 에스칼렌테
블레이드 러너 (Blade Runner), 1982 - 에두아르도 개프