로렌스 티어니 (Lawrence Tierney)
Legendary Hollywood "tough guy", on screen and off. Remembered as the title character in Dillinger (1945) and as the consummately brutal lover of Claire Trevor in Born to Kill (1947). Notorious also for his frequent, well-publicized past involvements in public altercations - like barroom brawls - an...
본명 Lawrence James Tierney
출생 3/15/1919 브룩클린, 뉴욕, 미국
사망 2/26/2002 로스엔젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국

저수지의 개들 (Reservoir Dogs), 1992 - 조 캐봇
지상 최대의 쇼 (The Greatest Show on Earth), 1952 - 헨더슨