엘리자베스 맥거번 (Elizabeth McGovern)
Daughter of a law professor at Northwestern University, she moved with her family to Los Angeles when he transferred to the University of California at Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.). She began acting in school plays at North Hollywood High, graduated from The Oakwood School and then continued her stage tra...
출생 7/18/1961 에반스톤, 일리노이, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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더 와이프 (The Wife), 2017 - 일레인 모젤
킥 애스:영웅의 탄생 (Kick-Ass), 2010 - 리주스키 부인
원스 어폰 어 타임 인 아메리카 (Once Upon a Time in America), 1984 - 데보라
랙타임 (Ragtime), 1981 - 에블린 네스빗
보통 사람들 (Ordinary People), 1980 - 제닌 프랫