프랑소와 트뤼포 (Francois Truffaut)
감독, 각본가, 배우
French director Francois Truffaut began to assiduously go to the movies at age seven. He was also a great reader but not a good pupil. He left school at 14 and started working. In 1947, aged 15, he founded a film club and met Andre Bazin, a French critic, who became his protector. Bazin helped the d...
본명 Francois Roland Truffaut
출생 2/6/1932 파리, 프랑스
사망 10/21/1984 뇌이쉬르센, 오드센, 프랑스
아카데미 영화제
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미지와의 조우 (Close Encounters of the Third Kind), 1977 - 클로드 라콤

마지막 지하철 (The Last Metro), 1980
아델 H 이야기 (The Story of Adele H), 1975
사랑의 묵시록 (Day for Night), 1973
훔친 키스 (Stolen Kisses), 1968
400번의 구타 (The 400 Blows), 1959

사랑의 묵시록 (Day for Night), 1973
400번의 구타 (The 400 Blows), 1959