프레드릭 포레스트 (Frederic Forrest)
Frederic Forrest, the Oscar-nominated character actor, was born two days before Christmas Day in 1936 in Waxahachie, Texas, the same home town as director Robert Benton. Forrest had long wanted to be an actor, but he was so nervous that he ran out of auditions for school plays. Later, at Texas Chris...
본명 Frederic Fenimore Forrest Jr.
출생 12/23/1936 웍서해시, 텍사스, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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지옥의 묵시록 (Apocalypse Now), 1979 - 제이 "제프" 힉스
로즈 (The Rose), 1979 - 다이어
도청 (The Conversation), 1974 - 마크