루이스 브뉘엘 (Luis Bunuel)
감독, 각본가
The father of cinematic Surrealism and one of the most original directors in the history of the film medium, Luis Bunuel was given a strict Jesuit education (which sowed the seeds of his obsession with both religion and subversive behavior), and subsequently moved to Madrid to study at the universit...
본명 Luis Bunuel Portoles
출생 2/22/1900 칼란드, 아라곤, 스페인
사망 7/29/1983 멕시코시티, 멘시코
아카데미 영화제
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욕망의 모호한 대상 (That Obscure Object of Desire), 1977
부르조아의 은밀한 매력 (The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie), 1972
트리스타나 (Tristana), 1970
로빈슨 크루소 (Robinson Crusoe), 1954

욕망의 모호한 대상 (That Obscure Object of Desire), 1977
부르조아의 은밀한 매력 (The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie), 1972