패디 차예프스키 (Paddy Chayefsky)
Author, producer and composer who earned a Bachelor of Science degree from CCNY, then a Purple Heart during World War II while serving in the US Army. Joining ASCAP in 1955, his chief musical collaborators included George Bassman and Harry Warren. His popular-song compositions include "Marty" and "M...
본명 Sidney Aaron Chayefsky
출생 1/29/1923 브롱스, 뉴욕시, 뉴욕, 미국
사망 8/1/1981 뉴욕, 미국
아카데미 영화제
수상: 3 / 후보: 4
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네트워크 (Network), 1976
종합병원 (The Hospital), 1971
여신 (The Goddess), 1958
마티 (Marty), 1955