암브로시아 켈리 (Ambrosia Kelley)
Ambrosia was born on October 4, 1995. Her Entertainment career began in September 1999 ( a month shy of being 4 years old), when her Aunt Crystal notified Ambrosia‘s Mom Annette and Grandma Arcy of an open call by a local Agency in her hometown of Corpus Christi, Texas. The Agency at the time was ca...
본명 Ambrosia Jasmine Kelley
출생 10/4/1995 코퍼스 크리스티, 텍사스, 미국

킬 빌 2 (Kill Bill: Vol. 2), 2004 - 니키
킬 빌 (Kill Bill: Vol. 1), 2003 - 니키 벨