오스카 베르너 (Oskar Werner)
Remote, somewhat morose and, as a result, intriguing, Viennese talent Oskar Werner was born in 1922, not far from the birthplace of "Waltz King" Johann Strauss, and christened Oskar Josef Bschließmayer. His parents divorced when he was fairly young.While growing up, Oskar found performing in school ...
본명 Oskar Josef Bschließmayer
출생 11/13/1922 비엔나, 오스트리아
사망 10/23/1984 마르부르크, 독일
아카데미 영화제
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세인트 루이스 호의 대학살 (Voyage of the Damned), 1976 - 에곤 크레이슬러 교수
바보들의 배 (Ship of Fools), 1965 - 빌헬름 슈워츠만 박사
추운 나라에서 온 스파이 (The Spy Who Came In from the Cold), 1965 - 프레들러