마크 롭슨 (Mark Robson)
Mark Robson studied political science and economics at the University of California. He then took a law course at Pacific Coast University, and, at one time, also attended the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. Ultimately, his interests led him elsewhere, since he ended up in the movie business as a p...
본명 Marcus Rabinovitch
출생 12/4/1913 몬트리올, 퀘벡, 캐나다
사망 6/20/1978 런던, 잉글랜드, 영국 (심장 마비)
아카데미 영화제
수상: 0 / 후보: 2
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대지진 (Earthquake), 1974
인형의 계곡 (Valley of the Dolls), 1967
탈주 특급 (Von Ryan‘s Express), 1965
여섯번째 행복의 여관 (The Inn of the Sixth Happiness), 1958
페이튼 플레이스 (Peyton Place), 1957
지는게 더 힘들어 (The Harder They Fall), 1956
시도 (Trial), 1955
원한의 도곡리 다리 (The Bridges at Toko-Ri), 1954
빛나는 승리 (Bright Victory), 1951
아이 원트 유 (I Want You), 1951
챔피언 (Champion), 1949
비정 (My Foolish Heart), 1949