스탠리 도넨 (Stanley Donen)
Inspired by Fred Astaire‘s dancing in Flying Down to Rio (1933), Stanley Donen (pronounced ‘Dawn-en‘) attended dance classes from the age of ten. He later recalled that the only thing he wanted to be was a tap dancer.He was born in Columbia, South Carolina, to Helen Pauline (Cohen) and Mordecai Mose...
출생 4/13/1924 콜롬비아, 사우스캐롤라이나, 미국
사망 2/21/2019 뉴욕, 미국

어린 왕자 (The Little Prince), 1974
언제나 둘이서 (Two for the Road), 1967
샤레이드 (Charade), 1963
댐 양키즈 (Damn Yankees), 1958
화니 페이스 (Funny Face), 1957
언제나 맑음 (It‘s Always Fair Weather), 1955
7인의 신부 (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers), 1954
사랑은 비를 타고 (Singin‘ in the Rain), 1952
귀족 결혼 (Royal Wedding), 1951
온 더 타운 (On the Town), 1949