에릭 로메르 (Eric Rohmer)
각본가, 감독
Admirers have always had difficulty explaining Eric Rohmer‘s "Je ne sais quoi." Part of the challenge stems from the fact that, despite his place in French Nouvelle Vague (i.e., New Wave), his work is unlike that of his colleagues. While this may be due to the auteur‘s unwillingness to conform, some...
본명 Jean-Marie Maurice Scherer
출생 4/4/1920 튈, 코레즈, 프랑스
사망 1/11/2010 파리, 프랑스
아카데미 영화제
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모드 집에서의 하룻밤 (My Night at Maud‘s), 1969

모드 집에서의 하룻밤 (My Night at Maud‘s), 1969