앤서니 퀘일 (Anthony Quayle)
Anthony Quayle was born in Ainsdale in September 1913, the son of a Lancashire lawyer. He completed his education at Rugby School and had a brief spell at RADA, before treading the boards for the first time as the straight man in a music hall comedy act in 1931. Tall, burly, round-faced and possesse...
본명 John Anthony Quayle
출생 9/7/1913 에인스데일, 셰프턴, 머지사이드, 잉글랜드, 영국
사망 10/20/1989 첼시, 런던, 잉글랜드, 영국 (간암)
아카데미 영화제
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천일의 앤 (Anne of the Thousand Days), 1969 - 울시 추기경
로마 제국의 멸망 (The Fall of the Roman Empire), 1964 - 베르러스