해리 호너 (Harry Horner)
프로덕션 디자이너, 예술감독
Harry Horner was born in Bohemia (now Czech Republic), but spent most of his early life in Austria. In 1934, he graduated from the University of Vienna with a degree in architecture. Along the way, he also managed to study dramatic arts, directing and costume design, making his stage debut as an act...
본명 Heinrich Horner
출생 7/24/1910 홀리체, 체코
사망 12/5/1994 퍼시픽팰리세이즈, 캘리포니아, 미국 (폐렴)
아카데미 영화제
수상: 2 / 후보: 3
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사랑아 나는 통곡한다 (The Heiress), 1949

프로덕션 디자인
그들은 말을 쏘았다 (They Shoot Horses, Don‘t They?), 1969
허슬러 (The Hustler), 1961