질로 폰테코르보 (Gillo Pontecorvo)
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Gillo Pontecorvo was an Italian filmmaker. He is best known for his 1966 masterpiece, The Battle of Algiers, widely viewed as one of the finest films of its genre: realistic though fictionalized documentary. Its portrayal of the Algerian resistance during the Algerian War uses the neorealist style p...
본명 Gilberto Pontecorvo
출생 11/19/1919 피사, 투스카니, 이탈리아
사망 10/12/2006 로마, 이탈리아 (심부전)
아카데미 영화제
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알제리 전투 (The Battle of Algiers), 1966
카포 (Kapo), 1960

알제리 전투 (The Battle of Algiers), 1966