노먼 맥라렌 (Norman McLaren)
Norman McClaren is one of the most awarded filmmakers in the history of Canadian cinema, and a pioneer in both animation and filmmaking. Born in Scotland, he entered the Glasgow School of Fine Arts in 1932 to study set design. His early experiments in animation included actually scratching and paint...
출생 4/11/1914 스털링, 스코틀랜드, 영국
사망 1/27/1987 몬트리올, 퀘벡, 캐나다
아카데미 영화제
수상: 1 / 후보: 4
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파스 디 데우스 (Pas de deux), 1968
크리스마스 크래커 (Christmas Cracker), 1963
어 체어리 테일 (A Chairy Tale), 1957
이웃 (Neighbours), 1952