모리스 노블 (Maurice Noble)
American layout designer Maurice Noble was proudly old-school, a self-proclaimed champion of the ‘golden years‘ of animation. Working in the industry for more than six decades, he reached the peak of his profession with Disney and Warner Brothers and openly rejected the stylised approach to cartoons...
본명 Maurice J. Noble
출생 5/1/1910 덜루스, 미네소타, 미국
사망 5/18/2001 라크레센타, 캘리포니아, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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점과 선: 수학의 로맨스 (The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics), 1965
이제 이걸 들어 봐 (Now Hear This), 1962
고기가 준비되었습니다 (Beep Prepared), 1961