엘리자베스 하트만 (Elizabeth Hartman)
This slender, striking, red-haired, freckle-faced American leading lady, a Carnegie-Tech student in the 60s, made a stunning, sensitive film debut as the blind, abused, uneducated white girl who falls in love with compassionate Sidney Poitier in the racially-charged drama A Patch of Blue (1965). Tha...
본명 Mary Elizabeth Hartman
출생 12/23/1943 영스타운, 오하이오, 미국
사망 6/10/1987 피츠버그, 펜실베이니아, 미국 (자살 (투신))
아카데미 영화제
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패치 오브 블루 (A Patch of Blue), 1965 - 셀리나 다아시