월터 플렁켓 (Walter Plunkett)
의상감독, 의상부서
The brilliant and talented Walter Plunkett was born June 5, 1902, to James and Frances Plunkett of Oakland, California. He studied law at the University of California, but was hardly as interested in becoming an attorney as he was in his involvement with the campus‘ theatrical group. Making the quic...
출생 6/5/1902 오클랜드, 캘리포니아, 미국
사망 3/8/1982 산타모니카, 캘리포니아, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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Costume Department
파리의 미국인 (An American in Paris), 1951

서부 개척사 (How the West Was Won), 1962
포켓에 가득찬 행복 (Pocketful of Miracles), 1961
달려오는 사람들 (Some Came Running), 1958
레인트리 카운티 (Raintree County), 1957
비련의 공주 엘리자베스 (Young Bess), 1953
여배우 (The Actress), 1953
친절한 숙녀 (Kind Lady), 1951
마그니피센트 양키 (The Magnificent Yankee), 1950
그 여자 (That Forsyte Woman), 1949