빈센트 코다 (Vincent Korda)
프로덕션 디자이너, 예술감독
Hungarian born Vincent Korda came to Britain in the 1930s with his brothers Alexander Korda and Zoltan Korda. Vincent became a distinguished Art Director and Production Designer. Among his best works are Things to Come (1936), The Thief of Bagdad (1940) and The Longest Day (1962).
본명 Vincent Kellner
출생 6/22/1897 투케브, 헝가리
사망 1/4/1979 런던, 잉글랜드, 영국
아카데미 영화제
수상: 1 / 후보: 4
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지상 최대의 작전 (The Longest Day), 1962
바그다드의 도둑 (The Thief of Bagdad), 1940

프로덕션 디자인
정글 북 (The Jungle Book), 1942
해밀턴 부인 (That Hamilton Woman), 1941