휴고 니벨링 (Hugo Niebeling)
Hugo Niebeling‘s films are known for their innovative cinematography and editing. His 1960s work is credited to having helped shape the visual language of the 21st century music video. Niebeling‘s music and dance films are considered seminal by many German and international critics, and have screene...
출생 2/2/1931 뒤셀도르프, 노르트라인베스트팔렌, 독일
사망 7/9/2016 힐덴, 노르트라인 베스트팔렌, 독일
아카데미 영화제
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알보라다 - 브라질의 변화하는 얼굴 (Alvorada - Brazil‘s Changing Face), 1962