찰스 비더 (Charles Vidor)
Hungarian-born Karoly Vidor spent the First World War as a lieutenant in the Austro-Hungarian infantry. Following the armistice, he made his way to Berlin and worked for the German film company Ufa, as editor and assistant director. In 1924, he emigrated to the U.S. and, for several years, earned hi...
본명 Karoly Vidor
출생 7/27/1900 부다페스트, 헝가리
사망 6/4/1959 비엔나, 오스트리아

끝없는 노래 (Song Without End), 1960
무기여 잘 있거라 (A Farewell to Arms), 1957
거친 조커 (The Joker Is Wild), 1957
사랑하거나 떠나거나 (Love Me or Leave Me), 1955
안데르센 (Hans Christian Andersen), 1952
카르멘의 사랑 (The Loves of Carmen), 1948
기억해야 할 노래 (A Song to Remember), 1945
커버 걸 (Cover Girl), 1944
은퇴한 여인 (Ladies in Retirement), 1941
내 아들아, 내 아들아! (My Son, My Son!), 1940