세실 B. 드밀 (Cecil B. DeMille)
감독, 제작자
His parents Henry C. DeMille and Beatrice DeMille were playwrights. His father died when he was 12, and his mother supported the family by opening a school for girls and a theatrical company. Too young to enlist in the Spanish-American War, Cecil followed his brother William C. de Mille to the New Y...
본명 Cecil Blount DeMille
출생 8/12/1881 애시필드, 메사추세츠, 미국
사망 1/21/1959 헐리우드, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국
아카데미 영화제
수상: 1 / 후보: 3
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십계 (The Ten Commandments), 1956
지상 최대의 쇼 (The Greatest Show on Earth), 1952
삼손과 데릴라 (Samson and Delilah), 1949
정복되지 않는 사람들 (Unconquered), 1947
와셀 박사의 이야기 (The Story of Dr. Wassell), 1944
거친 바람을 거두고 (Reap the Wild Wind), 1942
북서 기마 순찰대 (North West Mounted Police), 1940
유니언 트래픽 (Union Pacific), 1939
해적 (The Buccaneer), 1938
십자군 (The Crusades), 1935
클레오파트라 (Cleopatra), 1934
십자가의 징조 (The Sign of the Cross), 1932
다이너마이트 (Dynamite), 1929

십계 (The Ten Commandments), 1956
지상 최대의 쇼 (The Greatest Show on Earth), 1952