로이 롤랜드 (Roy Rowland)
Roy Rowland studied law at the University of Southern California, then joined MGM as a script clerk. As if getting that job wasn‘t enough good luck in the middle of the Depression, he also married the niece of MGM chief Louis B. Mayer.He sharpened his directing chops at MGM with a series of shorts s...
출생 12/31/1910 뉴욕, 미국
사망 6/29/1995 오렌지, 캘리포니아, 미국

라스베거스에서 나를 만나요 (Meet Me in Las Vegas), 1956
사악한 경찰 (Rogue Cop), 1954
T 박사의 피아노 레슨 (The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T.), 1953
영화의 밤 (A Night at the Movies), 1937