텍스 에버리 (Tex Avery)
Tex Avery was a descendant of Judge Roy Bean and Daniel Boone, but all his grandma ever told him about it was "Don‘t ever mention you are kin to Roy Bean. He‘s a no good skunk!!" After graduating from North Dallas High School in 1927, Avery moved to Southern California in 1929 and got a job in the h...
본명 Frederick Bean Avery
출생 2/26/1908 테일러, 텍사스, 미국
사망 8/26/1980 버뱅크, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국

로커 비 포인트의 전설 (The Legend of Rockabye Point), 1955
미친 믹스견 (Crazy Mixed Up Pup), 1954
리틀 조니 제트 (Little Johnny Jet), 1953
아기돼지 삼형제 (Blitz Wolf), 1942
농장에서 동물에 대해 말하기 (Speaking of Animals Down on the Farm), 1941
미국 우회 (Detouring America), 1939