루돌프 메이트 (Rudolph Mate)
카메라 감독, 감독
One of the most respected cinematographers in the industry, Polish-born Rudolph Mate entered the film business after his graduation from the University of Budapest. He worked in Hungary as an assistant cameraman for Alexander Korda and later worked throughout Europe with noted cameraman Karl Freund....
본명 Rudolf Mayer
출생 1/21/1898 크라쿠프, 마워폴스키, 폴란드
사망 10/27/1964 비벌리힐즈, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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커버 걸 (Cover Girl), 1944
사하라 (Sahara), 1943
야구왕 루 게릭 (The Pride of the Yankees), 1942
해밀턴 부인 (That Hamilton Woman), 1941
해외 특파원 (Foreign Correspondent), 1940

미시시피 갬블러 (The Mississippi Gambler), 1953
세계가 충돌할 때 (When Worlds Collide), 1951
슬픈 노래는 이제 그만 (No Sad Songs for Me), 1950